Puppets created by Cheryl Capezzuti.

The Braddock Carnegie Free Library is currently being renovated. You can check puppet out at the Robinson Township Library or directly from Cheryl Capezzuti's studio on the North Side of Pittsburgh. Email cheryl@studiocapezzuti.com to borrow puppets or just drop by the library.

If you would like giant puppets to come to your next event but don't have the volunteer force to activate them, Puppet for Pittsburgh can provide puppeteers and puppet wranglers for a fee. contact cheryl@studiocapezzuti.com for more information.





quote icon in yellow

To affect the quality of the day is no small achievement"

–A favorite fortune from a cookie



Puppets for Pittsburgh is a gift to the city of Pittsburgh and surrounding regions. The sharing of this work made by many hands over years is intentionally accessible and designed to bring joy to a world that is often wanting.

Puppets to Go opened at the Braddock Carnegie Free Library in 2013 in conjunction with Transformazium's Art Lending Library, a project of the Carnegie International. Anyone with an Allegheny County Library Association card can check out a puppet for celebrations, events or just for fun.

Contact cheryl@studiocapezzuti.com to make arrangements to borrow puppets or to bring puppets to your next event.